Chapter 13!

 Chapter 13 is about social media marketing campaigns which has the goal of understanding the campaign concept, the importance of integrated marketing communications and to comprehend what a social media marketing campaign is. 

One of the interesting things of this chapter is that campaign marketing is that campaigns are just used in a variety of ways. An example in the textbook is a political campaign, a military campaign, and a marketing campaign. These campaigns refer to a set of planned and coodinated activities geared toward achieving a goal. There is a thing on the social media campaign side that is called an IMC. IMC stands for Integrated Marketing Communication. This involves integrating promotional tools in the marketing mix around a single theme's idea or campaign, IMC results in a synergetic effect ensuring that all promotional elements are carefully linked together. These linked elements include advertising, personal selling, public relations, SEO, television, radio, email, direct mail, events, web, and social media. 

One of the other social media campaigns that marketers often rely on is the classic AIDA which is known for attention, interest, desire, and action. This model is to drive their promotions within the business. It describes the steps that occur when a consumer first becomes aware of a product or brand to when they make a purchase decision. The concept of AIDA for marketing success has been around for over a hundred years. It has served marketers as an enduring process for years. It has demonstrated broad applicability in everything from constructing advertisements to social media. This concept has been applied in a variety of new ways.


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