The Textbook!

 This book was such a learning experience. I was able to dig deeper into the way social media and how people deal with social media. This book was also interesting in a way that it allowed me to have to understand and look more into how social media should be handled rather than just telling me how to deal with it and do it. There is a ton of knowledge when it comes to how to grow within the social media world.

Within the book, I never really thought about it being a textbook but more of a way of visual learning rather than just a normal textbook. For me, it is huge for me to understand things in a visual way rather than hearing someone talk to me. The way that the book implemented videos rather than just words and examples of how to go onto social media. The chapters focused on an approach that targeted specific platforms and concepts that were able to be understood.

There were a few chapters that stood out to me the most and chapter three was one of the biggest ones that stood out to me. Chapter three taught me a lot when it comes to how businesses understand social media and to utilize it in the correct manner. This chapter was able to come together and provide insight into the strategic planning behind social media campaigns that become very successful in the long run. I found myself being able to dive into this chapter with ease and I was able to understand what was going on. 

This textbook was an amazing information outlet for when it comes to understanding social media. 


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