Blogging: Marketing and More!

 Blogging over the past decade has become one of the more popular ways to share information with others. Blogs are a big part of helping businesses grow and gain more attention which will allow them to remain in touch and connected with their customers and audience. Some ways that a business can start a blog is by creating one on their own website or a third-party website. The platform needs to be set up well and the business needs to have a plan while attacking blogging. The most important part is staying consistent. 

    A quote that caught my attention from the book was "55% of marketers say blog content creation is their top inbound marketing priority," (Hubspot). I thought this was very interesting in how only a little bit over half of marketers rely on blog content creation to be their inbound marketing priority. There are some benefits to blogging for marketers that include increased brand awareness to a larger audience, humanizing the brand, an easy way to keep the customers up to date on the trends of the industry and the products/services being offered, and it helps brands get discovered on social media through sharing of blog posts. Even though these are all important and crucial to the growth of a business, I believe that businesses should focus primarily on what type of content that they want to and will be creating on their blogs. This is important since blogging is far more different from social media. Social media content posts compared to blogging contain a lot more videos or reels compared to an article. The blog posts are also more associated with telling a story rather than just a post that tells or explains what is going on in the business.

          The key component to having successful blogs within marketing is setting goals. The goals for blogging should be tied to the overall marketing and organization goals. If the blog is new for the company, then it should include specific and measurable goals. Some of the goals of blogging for businesses should be leads, website traffic, social shares, time spent on page, number of visitors, and scroll depth which is the percentage of the page the visitor has read.



  1. Nate,
    You had a lot of great key points in this blog post! Goals are very important when it comes to marketing on blogs. Each and every individual has goals they want to reach to get the most recognization and hit the most audiences. Blogging is a great way to market your business but keeping up with it is the most important way to get more consumers. Great post!


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