Chapter 1: Introduction to Social Media Marketing

Chapter 1 in the textbook Essentials of Social Media Marketing goes over how social media has grown and revolutionized the way we communicate, connect with others, and take in information. One of the big thoughts that came to my head while reading through this chapter was how well we have social media in today’s generation. What I mean by that is we are able to do a lot of branding and self-growth through social media. One way that I connect with social media is in Disc Golf. In today’s society, Disc Golf is not all about the play but more about how well of a social media following you may have. Learning how to correctly use social media to market yourself and maybe a sponsor that you are associated with, will help in other deals with sponsors and gaining fans.

I think that we as a generation take social media for granted and how we use it. Nowadays, society has become more social media-influenced than ever. Our generation has a boost in how to use social media as a business aspect since we have had it for our whole lives. In section two of the textbook, it talks about the time spent on social media. It is huge how many people and businesses can use social media to positively influence their revenue and image. There are a lot of chances for businesses to grow what they have to offer in the world of social media. 


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