Disc Golf @ Ohio Northern!

 One of the most underrated activities that any college student can do is Disc Golf. Disc Golf is a sport that only requires a few frisbees and yourself. A starter set for disc golf is not as much as basketball, football, golf, etc. Usually, the starter sets only cost around 30 dollars which is super cheap for an outside activity that allows you to be active. 

Disc golf at Ohio Northern is not as common as some may believe since there is a course right on campus. As many of you may know, I travel around the country playing disc golf as a profession that I hope to make my living after graduation. The course on campus has allowed me to still work on crafting my skills to hopefully allow myself to live my dream. The course on campus allows anyone to work on every single shot in the game of disc golf. Some of the most common shots in disc golf are the hyzer, anhyzer, flex shot, and flat shot. These shots can be used to navigate my way throughout any course that I may play throughout the season. The course at Ohio Northern also uses every aspect of the land. There are a few wooded holes that force you as a player to be technical and hit the line that is in front of them to get the birdie or better. Some of the holes bring in the aspect of knowing what landing zone you want to land in to execute the next shot. There are also some other shots that just allow you to throw as far as possible to simplify the hole.

I am currently in Vermont for the PDGA World Championships sponsored by L.L. Bean. The tournament so far has not gone as planned, and I am about 70 spots outside of the cut line with three rounds to go to make the cut!


  1. Nate,
    Disc golf looks like such a fun sport. I've seen you play a few times and it is pretty impressive to watch. Sorry the tournament isn't going as planned but I feel you can pull it back and make the cut. Best of the luck in the next few rounds!

  2. Nate,
    I love this sport and have played the course on campus at ONU a couple of times. While I do not play as much as I do, I always enjoy going out. Sorry to hear that the tournament is not going as you wanted, but you are young and have lots of time to go. Best of luck in the next rounds!
    - Drew Butera

  3. Nate,
    Competitive disc golf is such a unique interest and I loved hearing more about the course on campus! Hopefully there's a change of luck for the next three rounds, I'm excited to hear how you finish the tournament! Let's go bears!


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