Chapter 3!

 The next chapter goes over how to identify a target market, create personas, and establish goals and objectives while analyzing and tracking the data. Within today’s businesses, there are growing components that need to be found to determine the most appropriate strategy to bring and keep in customers. One of the main things that this chapter covers is the business objective that needs to be found to incorporate social media in a certain manner. Individualism is a common thing that happens in this chapter as it allows someone to use social media for their company or business goals.

 Within this process of figuring out the social media strategy needed, there are some very important steps that need to be taken. One of the steps is to correctly identify and establish an engaging tone across every possible platform that will give the business an appeal to all the customers who may inhibit what they are saying. If a business does not hit this issue head-on and has a lackluster tone, then it will be very hard for them to develop a strong support system for their company. A well-developed voice in a business is a huge step forward for companies in this chapter. This chapter also hits the aspect of persona for companies to fully understand to accomplish an engaging tone for their audience. Persona is figured out by grabbing the demographic, interest, and behavior in data that will allow the businesses to tailor their social media to these people. This will tie into the voice and tone of the brand, which is so important for every business. For the ultimate success of a business, the importance of figuring out the correct persona will allow them to handle social media in a positive tone that will attract the right audience for their business.

As every business figures out the personas that they need to hit, it is important that the business determines the correct resources, roles, and responsibilities for this process. A huge strategy for a business is to first determine the budget that is needed for the social media aspect and then craft the strategy to fit that budget. 


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