Why is precipitation so weird??

 Precipitation is one of the things in this world that has never made sense. In class, Dr. Aggie told me to look more into the meaning of precipitation and why it happens in some areas but in others it does not. Just to get a definition of precipitation is atmospheric moisture that falls on the ground in the form of rain, snow, or hail. It usually is calculated in exact values of millimeters or inches. The amount of precipitation is measured over a number of days or hours depending on how big the storm may be.

For some of us, understanding whether we need to bring an umbrella to class is a huge thing since most of us do not drive to class. There are 4 approximations for the amount of precipitation per day. These are light rain which goes up to .15 inches, moderate rain which goes up to .23 inches, rain or heavy rain which goes up to .78 inches, and rainfall which gives more than 1.18 inches.

There is a miss communicated meaning when it comes to precipitation probability. When It comes to precipitation there is a calculation that has to be done. This is a very complicated process that has been debated on social media and how to actually do it. The formula that is used to figure out the amount of precipitation is possible is CxA. C is the confidence that precipitation will occur somewhere in the forecast area. A is the percent of the area that will receive measurable precipitation. Of course, the higher the probability value, the more confident you can say there will be precipitation at any point in your area.




  1. Wow I didn't know that precipitation was so complicated and I am now questioning how much I know about the weather.

  2. Very cool blog! I learned something new today. It's truly crazy how weather works and it makes me question everything that I've learned in the past.

  3. So glad you finally cleared this up for all of us, Nate. At this point, I'm just throwing an umbrella in my bag at the first sign of a grey cloud.


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