Birthday and USDGC!

    It has been an eventful week for me as I have traveled down to South Carolina to play in my last disc golf tournament of the year. This tournament is unlike any other tournament that we will be playing this season. The tournament that I am competing in is the United States Disc Golf Championships which has been going on its 25th anniversary. This tournament is so prestigious for the fact that the only way you can make it in this competition is if you qualify for it on the Disc Golf Pro Tour. Some of the greats in the sport of disc golf have won this prestigious event. Some of the notable winners that are recalled as some of the greats are “The Champ” Ken Climo who is a twelve-time World Champion, Paul McBeth who is a six-time world champion and arguably the greatest player to play the game of disc golf in my generation.

    This course brings everything that a disc golfer needs to have in their arsenal of tricks. This course is based on a lot of out-of-bounds areas that are strategically placed in certain areas which makes the golfer decide if it is worth the risk to go for the birdie or better or instead play for par. This course is known for taking big numbers very fast, which is not a good thing in golf. One of the aspects of my game that I feel sits well out here at the course is my ability to play safe and not really go for the big shot, unlike some others in the tournament. My play style does not really allow me to go for the big distance shot because I don’t have it, but instead, I throw the shot that gets me in the fairway and allows me to weigh my options and choose correctly what I need to do.

I am very excited to play in this tournament and am very blessed that I am also able to celebrate my twenty-second birthday while playing disc golf at a historical tournament!



  1. Let's go Nate! Super exciting stuff! Best of luck in the tournament and enjoy yourself.


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