
 So LinkedIn is not only a platform for personal branding and networking. It is a very important platform for brands that want to build deep relationships with employees and customers and even to gain valuable sales leads. A survey that was conducted in 2021 among B2B marketers “75% of respondents stated that they used LinkedLn over the previous 12 months.” 

Here are some cool stats that I found from the textbook. “60% say the platform is relevant to them, 57% say it’s educational or informative, 51% use LinkedLn to stay on top of the latest brands, 39% say the platform is inspiring, 32% say it helps with skill development,”(LinkedLn). This is really good news for brands that are looking to use LinkedLn as an effective marketing tool that is able to reach out to consumers. 

LinkedLn provides detailed analytics for company pages that includes follower demographics and sources, reach and engagement metrics for posts, page traffic and sources, page views, unique visitors, page clicks, and job views and number of job applications. There is a new feature that was introduced in 2023 that allows users to send and receive direct messages from company pages that may be interested in the person. This development aims to enhance professional connections and interactions through InMails within the app. Users are now able to initiate conversations with company pages and page admins are able to respond on behalf of the page, providing a new engagement option. This new feature called page messaging enables members to reach out to brands about topics such as products, services, and business opportunities. 


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