
 Snapchat is one of the most useful tools in the generation that we live in when it comes to marketing. In the textbook, it talks about how Snapchat is a marketing tool that has several features on the app that even I as a frequent user have never really heard of. Some of the features that I am talking about are visual search, AR shopping lenses, and spotlight challenges.

               The AR shopping lens is a 3D lens that allows the user to visualize real products themselves from businesses. One example of this could be a shoe brand could make an AR lens that allows the user to try on the shoes that the business has to offer or there could be a company that sells hats, that could create a lens that allows for the users to try on the hats to see if it fits them well and if it looks good on them. I feel as if this feature could not be more fitting for Snapchat. This feature is huge for businesses that want to start using Snapchat as a viable resource to sell their products.

               The other new feature that is crucial in the marketing ability of Snapchat is the spotlight challenge. This feature allows Snapchat users to earn money by sharing short videos of the many things that they are either doing or selling. The tricky thing is that in order to earn money, the user has to make a video that goes viral and for it to collect a lot of views. The big thing is the more viral that the video goes the more the user has the ability to get paid for that video. This is a good way for Snapchat to make users who want to make money continue to post tons of videos on the app.



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