It's Gettin Crazy!

 If this semester couldn’t get any crazier! Thanksgiving break was nothing but peaceful and enjoyable but knowing that I had to come back to school to the many final assignments that I was nowhere close to done with. Don’t get me wrong, I love being here at ONU since I am able to spend time with some of my best friends and make new memories that I will never forget. So back to the school assignments!

One of the big school assignments that I had to accomplish was my senior project. This is nothing but a handful while also dealing with fifteen credit hours along with this project. I was like every other college kid when it came to this project over break and I did not start it whatsoever. Mind you, I have been doing assignments that would make this paper not a grewling process to finish. I started working on my rough draft on Friday during the Thanksgiving break and was finally able to finish it on Wednesday. It took me three or so days of sitting down and typing and putting it all together just to get it done. This by far was the hardest essay/ paper that I have ever written because it was so long. One of the big things that I wish colleges did better for us students was to spread out the final assignments and allow for all the finals to be due within a three week period so it allows for us students to not be thrown against all the odds and deadlines just to get these assignments done. 

Other than this huge assignment which is my senior project that I have to do, I have two other essays, and two other final assignments to finish up within the next week and a half. Wish me luck!


  1. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate! Best of luck getting all your papers done in the next couple weeks!


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