One Last Blog

 The last blog! Such a stressful semester of learning how to try and successfully blog. I wouldn’t say that I successfully blogged but I tried. This blog is going to consist of some of the fun parts of the semester and what challenges I encountered. 

Some of the fun parts of the semester would have to be the soccer season. For the people who don’t know about me and soccer, I used to play up until the middle of my sophomore year when I had my second major injury in two years. My freshman year, I came in during the covid year just having hip surgery to shave off of my bone spur that had grown and caused me issues. Once I was cleared and returned to playing it would be the spring semester of my freshman year and we would have a shortened season due to covid still being an issue in the world. I would have issues with my hip and scar tissue until I was able to have three good weeks of practice until I would plant and my left knee cap would dislocate. This would unfortunately be the end of my college career. So I would take the role of being a student manager and understand that I would never play soccer again. By being a part of the program for all four years, I have understood and see how close we are as a team and am so invested into the guys. So for us to make an insane run and to take down the number one team in the country was a moment I will never forget. 

Another fun part of the semester was traveling around the country with disc golf. I was able to go to Vermont and to see that state which is such a beautiful place. I was also able to play and enjoy the sport that I love in a state that has been a dream to go to. 

Some of the things that I struggled with was dealing with the amount of school work that was thrown my way. I have had to deal with making and figuring out my senior project which ultimately will be 15-20 pages for an essay. I am still writing this essay and it is not fun at all. 

I hope everyone had a great semester! As always Go Bears!!


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